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Welcome! My name is Joyce Brizendine and I am the Founder of Write To Know. My passion for Handwriting Analysis was realized while reading an exceptional book by M.N. Bunker, fittingly entitled Handwriting Analysis. M.N. Bunker is the founder of Graphoanalysis, which is the stroke method of handwriting analysis.


In pursuit of this passion, I went on to acquire two notable certifications. One certification is through the International Graphoanalysis Society, and the other is through the American Handwriting Analysis Foundation, based on a more holistic approach to handwriting study. I have continued to pursue my passion, by sharing my knowledge and experience through several different mediums. 


I have had the honor of presenting and speaking on handwriting analysis for different organizations throughout Oregon, as well as for various cruise ships. I also enjoyed teaching at several different universities throughout the area. You may have seen me on the local news program, AM Northwest, as I am a periodically, featured handwriting expert! I look forward to sharing my passion with you!

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